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Read online Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes by Monique Ryan TXT, DJV, PDF


For any endurance athlete who is committed to better performance, smart nutrition can make the difference between setting a new PR or bonking into a disastrous race result. The fastest athletes are the ones who consider their daily nutrition as carefully as their workouts. Even small improvements in nutrition can deliver better training and faster recovery. Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletesis your complete reference for every question on fueling, post-workout recovery nutrition, weight loss, ergogenic aids, vitamins and minerals, and supplements. This nutritional bible for endurance athletes demystifies sports nutrition, debunking myths and misconceptions to explain the principles that fuel athletes to better performance. Certified sports nutritionist and dietician Monique Ryan examines the building blocks of an effective, high-quality diet, showing you how to balance your diet to support your training and how to hydrate for any type of workout or weather. Ryan explains optimal diets for each endurance sport: running, cycling, triathlon as well as mountain biking, cyclocross, swimming, and rowing. For each sport, Ryan explains what to eat, how much, and when during normal training and on race day. You'll learn what to eat before and during workouts, how to balance your body's hydration and salt levels, and what foods will help you recover fastest. Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletesalso provides invaluable guidance on: meal planning with sample menus and typical shopping lists, how the glycemic index of foods can improve fueling and recovery, how to avoid sports-related vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which sports nutrition products are effective, how to improve your power-to-weight ratio. Improving your performance means improving your nutrition. Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletesis your guide to better nutrition and your comprehensive reference for all questions on nutrition for endurance sports., Ryan assists athletes in designing a sports diet that is the foundation of their endurance and good health, with all of it based on the building blocks of a balanced diet: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, along with fluid, vitamin, and mineral requirements. The changing nutritional needs of training, racing, and recovery are also clearly explained. Endurance athletes will learn how to assess body composition and find healthy approaches to losing body fat and building muscle. Ryan also gives practical pointers such as a review of popular ergogenic aids, tips on meal planning, typical shopping lists, sample menus, glycemic index of foods, facts about vitamins and minerals, and a comparison of sports nutrition products.

Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes by Monique Ryan book FB2, EPUB, DOC

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