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Microfiber towels review

Microfiber Hair Towel Review

Microfiber towels are light in weight and gentle on hair. They take the water from your hair and let it evaporate through the microfiber material instead of soaking everything up and getting weighed down. Traditional cotton towels tend to break strands of hair and get rough over time, microfiber towels do not.

Everyone Should Own a Microfiber Hair Towel

Since I started using a microfiber hair towel, it just about cut my drying time in half. Microfibers soak up water differently than cotton. The fibers help water to evaporate instead of getting heavy and causing your head to get weighed down, like I mentioned above.

The best approach is to:

Squeeze the water out of your hair the best you can before getting out of the shower. Then put your head upside down and take a minute to squeeze (not rub) your hair with the tower all over, especially at the roots. Finally, turban wrap your hair as you normally would. A nice tip is to use the other side of the towel to wrap your head with (not the side you squeezed onto your hair directly after the shower).

Question:Is this a wrap towel or a flat towel? What size?

Answer: has various towel sizes and types! If you like the turban wraps you can get one of those. If you prefer a flat towel there are nice large microfiber ones to choose from!

Question:If I have really long hair, what towel should I get?

Answer: Take a look at the Large microfiber towel on the shop. This towel will work for any length hair. It’s nice and large but it’s still light. I have about 2 feet of hair and this towel does not weigh my head down at all after the shower.

Question:What are my color options?

Answer: You’ll see plenty of options such as different styles, patterns and colors in the shop .

Question:Is there anything bad these?

Answer: There are no cons. It’s much better for your hair and the prices aren’t bad at all!

Once you try out one of these towels you will probably want to collect all the colors and styles. 😉


Prince Smith says:

Hello, Gina,
I read your post on microfiber hair towel by YogaRat.I will be sure to show your post to my wife, she may be interested in buying this Towel. The $12.50 cost of the Towel is not bad, considering how much is saved by getting it at the discounted price.
I am sure she will be interested in your post on repairing split ends, this is something that a lot of women deal with.
I like the way you give detailed instructions on the use of Coconut Oil. This is also helpful information to have. Your information that all B Vitamins promotes the growth of hair is useful for a lot of women and men. Thank you for this great site, Gina

Gina Lauricella says:

Thanks Prince Smith,

It’s a great price for this towel considering how great it is for hair, compared to traditional towels. And yes, B vitamins are essential for hair growth.

Have your wife try out some of the coconut oil treatments listed! It’s amazing what it can do for hair.

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